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Back Home Again In Indiana Land Guy

Glonky: The Best Interview Ever?

Man on the Street Gets High Too High

Glonky: "I'm Fine!"

In a recent interview that has gone viral, a man on the street who was clearly high on drugs gave an unforgettable performance. The man, who has been identified as Benedict Polizzi, was asked to sing the lyrics to the patriotic song "Back Home Again in Indiana." Polizzi's rendition of the song was so off-key and bizarre that it has left many viewers in stitches.

At one point in the interview, Polizzi becomes so high that he passes out. The interviewer tries to wake him up by yelling, "Glonky!" Polizzi eventually comes to and says, "I'm fine!"

The interview has been viewed millions of times on YouTube and has been featured on news outlets around the world. Polizzi has become an internet sensation, and his interview has been hailed as one of the funniest ever.
